Silva Law is a law firm located in Nashville, Tennessee representing clients in Davidson County and the surrounding areas. We focus on elder law, probate, special needs law and estate planning. We offer personal, experienced and quality representation with diligence and compassion. Please contact us for a phone consultation. Let us help you figure out what your best next steps are.
At Silva Law, we spend the time learning your unique personal and financial situation in order to draft a plan that best protects you and your family. Our estate planning also includes powers of attorney, advanced directives including an advance care plan and an appointment of healthcare agent. We discuss with you important considerations such as ensuring your medical wishes are respected, naming guardians for your children, how you may be able to avoid the time and expense of probate, and many other topics.
Legal tools that will help you provide continued care to your special needs child turning 18 are powers of attorney, advanced healthcare directives and Conservatorships. Silva Law will explain the pros and cons of these legal tools and help your family make the best decisions to continue to care for your child past the age of majority